
Saturday, March 12, 2011

After Earth Quake.....

A magnitude 8.9 earthquake rocked Japan today, causing a 32-foot tsunami that's plowed a path of destruction that killed at least 300 people, washed away cars and bridges, and knocked out nuclear power plants.
The tsunami spawned by the enormous quake raced past the Hawaiian Islands and has reached as far as the Oregon coast.
The death toll is expected to rise. It's still dark in Japan, but come daylight, people expect to find more bodies.
Japanese officials have already found 200 to 300 bodies in a northeastern coastal city of Sendai. Another 137 people have been confirmed dead and at least 627 people are injured, the Associated Press reported.
There are also reports of a missing train full of dozens of commuters in the earthquake region and a boat ripped from the docks of Miyagi with 80 workers on board being swept out to sea in the tsunami.
"We have to watch for chemical explosions, gas leaks, fires…the agony is just beginning," Dr. Michio Kaku, a physicist, said. "Earthquakes take place in stages…we are only in act one. We have yet to go to act two."

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